Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Centrifuges Separators Manufacturer

Vertical centrifuges are used in many stages of the refining process of edible oils that include soybeans, olives, coconuts, corn, peanuts, sunflower seeds, cotton seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds and safflower seeds.

Our separators are used in water refining, usually called degumming, consisting of treating the natural oil with a small amount of water, followed by centrifugal separation. 

Chemical refining follows the water degumming process, in which, acid and caustic are used to neutralize the free fatty acids (soap stock) which then can be reliably removed through our centrifuge. 

Vertical centrifuges improve product quality, by removing gums and soap stock during production, which contribute to our customer’s profitability.

Fish Oil Centrifuge Separators:- 

Various processes are known for the manufacture of fish meal and fish oil. 

Those more or less complex processes, which treat various types of oil-yielding fish such as sardines, anchovies and herrings depending on the countries, generally consist in the cooking the raw materials and then in transferring the cooked product into a decanter in order to remove the water, then the water is treated in order to recover oils using a Disc separator. 

The solid materials are dried and constitute fish meal used, for example, in animal feed.

visit for more information:- centrifugeseparator.com

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